Sell your photos online

Sell your photos onlineYou are a photographer looking to sell your photos online, but haven't been able to find a solution yet.  Well, you are in the right place now!

NextGEN Gallery has been the most popular photos gallery plugin for WordPress, for a very long time.  When NextGEN Pro Ecommerce was announced we received many emails of thanks in addition to many emails of feature requests for the ecommerce system.

We take every email seriously and highly consider the most popular feature requests.  That is why development of further features and enhancements to the ecommerce system are consistently underway.

Your Photos Online

Even with the development continuing, NextGEN Pro is already the easiest and more efficient way to sell your photos online.  If you are a WordPress user then you have possibly heard of NextGEN Gallery.  The plugin is a gallery management system that separates your portfolio from the default WordPress Media Library, making it easier to modify, customize and manage.

With NextGEN Plus and NextGEN Pro we have made the gallery displays enhanced with more javascript, CSS and features.  All of the galleries are responsive and the Pro Lightbox included in both premium plugins you can share individual images using a deeplink, share on social and have comment based conversations about photos.

But now in NextGEN Pro is ecommerce - the ability to sell your photos online.

Sell Your Photos Online

NextGEN Pro Ecommerce starts with a basic walkthrough of the steps to get your photos online for sale.

  1. Configure your ecommerce options - in this step you visit the ecommerce options to find the important items to configure before selling your photos.  The options include country, currency, ecommerce pages, email templates and payment gateways.
  2. Create one or more pricelist -in this step you create pricelists for your galleries/images to utilize when selling your photos online.
  3. Using the Manage Galleries page, associate a pricelist with any gallery or image you would like to sell.
  4. When adding or editing a gallery via the NextGEN Insert Gallery Window, be sure to enable ecommerce.
  5. Be sure to select NextGEN Pro Lightbox as your desired lightbox effect

As you can see, there are 5 basic steps, each of which require slight configuration.  But all in all, NextGEN Pro makes it super simple to sell your photos online.

From here I hope that you visit the ecommerce demo and pick up a copy of NextGEN Pro.

Thanks for reading,


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